BSAB/BLAB: gaze changes, but is not directed towards partner

Definition: Gaze direction changes substantially, but is not directed at partner either before or afterwards

These are quite rare, and the long version is extremely rare. When gazing away from partner, the direction of gaze can be quite variable, leading to some uncertainty about the difference between BSAB and BSAA. A substantial change in gaze direction is required to merit annotation as BSAB.

Sorry the label BSAB is less memorable than others. The final letter is arbitrary.


Example 1: BSAB (Blink Short from A to B)

BlinkSlow MotionComments
Here we see gaze changing first, as the subject looks away from partner and towards the camera. There is a further gaze change as she blinks.

Example 2: BLAB (Blink Long Gaze change, but not towards partner)

BlinkSlow MotionComments
A rare sighting of the BLAB blink in the wild. This is the rarest beast in the menagerie. Out of 7605 blinks I measured, I found 9 of these only. But note the caveat above: these may be difficult to distinguish from BLAA if the gaze change is not quite large.